She doesn't look so sure about the grass-green substance about to be put in her mouth, but she quickly changes her opinion once she gets a taste!
Peas are definitely better when smeared all over your face and hands.
Peas were really easy to make - they took 5 minutes tops. I bought frozen because she shouldn't have any salt and all the canned peas have salt, plus I wasn't up for shelling fresh peas. I put a half a pound in 1/4 cup boiling water. Covered and let simmer on medium heat for 3 minutes.
Then put the steamed peas and 1 1/2 ounces of milk in the magic bullet (or blender or food processor) and puree.
The leftovers I put in an ice cube tray to freeze and we will thaw them one or two at a time for her eat. If I had known she'd love them so much, I would have cooked the whole bag.
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Peas = Charlie jr. I knew she would take after her old man on the pea thing. Yeah!