Wednesday, July 8

Grow Nora, Grow

My little oinker's excessive food consumption has finally caught up with her. Since birth she has averaged in the 10th percentile for weight and 25th for height; at her 9 month check up on Monday she measured in the 50th percentile for both! This does not even take into account her adjusted age -- meaning she is the average size of a full-term baby at her same age! Not to mention that at 18lbs 6oz she is well on her way to quadrupling her weight in the first year.

In other news, we went to the ICubs game on July 2 and stayed to watch the fireworks afterwards. I was packed and ready to run in case Nora wasn't fond of the noise, but surprisingly, she smiled and clapped through the whole thing! She l.o.v.e.d. it!

We are still diligently working on the house getting it ready for our open house next weekend. Thus, I learned how to put Nora in the moby on my back. What a fabulous invention! This single 5-yard piece of cloth has to be the greatest baby gadget ever invented, and from here on out every mom-to-be I know will be getting one of these as a gift from me.

And, thanks to Uncle Devon, we (meaning Charlie) were able to get the outside of the house looking presentable these past couple days -- its coming along, but boy is everything harder with a 10-month-old at your side...especially a teething one.

On a side note, Charlie and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary yesterday! It seems impossible that it has already been that long.

Again, many apologies for the few and far between posts lately. It will probably continue to be that way until we get the house projects all tied up, but I will do my best to keep you updated. Happy Wednesday!

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