February: All dressed up to go out for Mama's 23rd birthday!
March: Nora started eating (and L.O.V.E.D) solid food. She still does.
April: First encounter with the Easter Bunny. In hindsight, this was much more successful than Santa.
May: First I-Cubs game.
June: Busy month! We made a couple trips to Onawa for Aunt Shannon's bridal shower and wedding, Nora had her first trip to the Omaha zoo, and Nora finally got to meet cousin Milo, Great Aunt Julie and Uncle Ken, and Great Uncle Butch and Aunt Chris at the Wood family reunion.

July: Nora got to experience frozen yogurt at the Pleasant Hill Days parade...I'll let you decide what she thought.
August: First steps! We also celebrated Grandma Mary Lou's birthday, retirement and her and Grandpa's 50th wedding anniversary.
September: Our Bear turned 1! We also said goodbye to Grandpa Cupp.
October: Nora played in the snow for the first time. We also made a trip to Missouri to visit Grandpa Barnes, and Nora dressed as a flower for Halloween. We also put an offer on the house that 31 days later became our new home.
November: Most of the month was spent packing. Nora was a big helper.
December: Home at last. We settled in to our mini house and enjoyed travel-less holidays with family and friends.
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