At this time two years ago, I was sitting at my desk anxiously awaiting my afternoon ultrasound. Little did I know that a mere 10 hours later I'd be holding my little girl. It seems so long ago, and yet it's hard to believe so much time has passed. Look how much
she's grown in one year!
Per tradition, we started our day with pancakes. She even blew out her own candles this time!
Lately, her favorite color is pink, though she can point out pink, red, blue, green, purple, yellow and black.
She can count to 10 with help, and to 5 by herself.
She is becoming very independent and rarely wants help with anything.
Her favorite toys are dolls -- she loves to mother them.
She is a sponge and will repeat anything you say. The other day I was telling Charlie something from the other room. He kept saying what, and I kept repeating myself. Finally, in frustration, I asked "Are your ears broken?" Nora went over to him with a look of concern, patted him on the back and said, "Daddy. Ears broken? Ears. Broken? K?"
We are still tumbling. At class just yesterday, she did her sommersault all by herself. She loves class, the kids and Miss Kelli.
School is going well. It's so, so, so much better than daycare. You can tell she loves it by the way she endearingly waves bye and pushes us out the door when we drop her off and then cries when we come to pick her up :( What's worse, a daycare she hates or a school she loves more than her parents?! On a related note, we just got our first fundraiser for school. We're selling Enjoy the City books for $20. It's jam-packed with BOGO coupons for QC-area restaurants, clubs, plays, shows, attractions and so much more! If you buy 5, you get a 6th free. Make great gifts! Let me know if you're interested!!
Bear's offical birth celebration is going to be Sunday at 4 p.m. at our house. Charlie and I have been working on something really great -- can't wait to debut it!