Friday, May 29

Busy Bees

Since I committed to posting at least once a week and I know I won't have time to write anything valuable by tomorrow (plus I missed Wordless Wednesday this week!), we're going to make today Foto Friday. If there is anything I have been keeping up on lately it's taking photos. Here are the latest!

Scary Nora after just waking up from a nap

Trying to show the world she does have hair

Ready for a walk

After spinning in place like a cat trying to get comfortable, she finally crashed

And again...

Playing in the yard

At the park on Memorial Day

A few other quick updates (becuase I can't even remember what I've posted and what I haven't):
  • We officially have a crawler -- she won't let me get it on video, but she does it, I swear!
  • She is most definitely teething. After a little more than a week of grumpy, extra sleepy, extra cuddly, never comfortable, feverish baby, I can't think of what else it might be. She hates the taste of orajel (sp?), but it is the only thing that soothes her at night.
  • We're headed west this weekend for Shannon's bridal shower, next weekend we're going east for Aunt T's graduation party -- get ahold of me if you want us to put you on the schedule :)
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Saturday, May 23

Life As Usual

Many apologies for my few and far between posts lately. Work has been a nightmare, plus I took on a job designing a website for a local party bus company to earn some extra moola so my free time has been nonexistant.

Not too much has happened here.

Bear is regularly sitting on her own now, though she does still topple from time to time.

She love to drink water. She can drink from sippys that pour and regular cups, but she hasn't really grasped the sippys that don't spill yet.

Today we're cleaning (well right now she's napping) in case Mimi and Eric come up tomorrow and doing laundry.

We tried two new foods today, but I didn't get any photos. Both were, as usual, super easy to make. The pears I just cut out the core and mashed them. I didn't even take the skin off. I did have to add quite a bit of oatmeal baby cereal to the pears because they are naturally watery and if Nora's food is too runny she blows raspberries and food goes everywhere. Two pears made 12 single ounce servings.

For the applesauce, I peeled and cored three apples, then cut them into tiny chunks and simmered in 2 cups of water until they were mushy. I drained the excess water and added a teaspoon of cinnamon. Three apples made 18 single ounce servings.

She loved them both. Since neither of the fruits have a strong flavor, we will likely use them to mix with other stronger flavored foods like meats when we introduce them.

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Wednesday, May 20

Wordless Wednesday: Puppy Love



Sunday, May 17

Look At My 8-Month-Old!

It's kinda blurry, but I still love this photo.

She's getting around pretty well by scooting and rolling, but we're still waiting for the crawling. She's getting better at self-entertaining -- it never lasts too long, but at least I can set her down for a minute.

She loves any toys that make noise or play music, and she loves to eat!

This week we added peaches and pumpkin to the list of foods she loves. She even got to have a little cinnamon in her pumpkin, which was apparently delicious. Turns out the yummier the food, the messier it becomes!

Her favorite (and only) word is dada, but she's still a mama's girl for now. Once I come home, she wants nothing to do with Daddy. Yes that is her drool running down my chin.

Friday, May 15

Today I...

Played with my friends. We rolled the ball and I would roll after

It's been another busy week and I'm looking forward to the weekend. Nora got to spend some long overdue, one-on-one (or two-on-two?) time with Mimi and Eric. We picked them up from the airport Tuesday night after their week in Vegas, and Wednesday Nora played hookey so she could spend the day with them -- as always, Mimi too lots of pictures.

Since Mimi cleaned our house and did the laundry before she left, this weekend's plan is to just relax and enjoy the weather.

Tomorrow we're going to tour our CSA and learn more about volunteering a few times a month. In return, we'll get a discount on our produce share.

Sunday, we're going on a picnic with some friends if the weather is as beautiful as they are predicting.

Maybe if we're bored, we'll hit up some yard sales too! There are a few things I want to keep an eye out for for Nora.

Wednesday, May 13

Monday, May 11

Give a Girl a Fish...

And you give her an allergic reaction. Nora tried salmon this week, and while she loved it, it didn't agree with her too well.

Previously, it was recommended fish not be introduced to baby's diet until after a year, and according to some sources, after 3 years because it can be allergenic. Recent studies have shown low-mercury fish to OK to introduce to babies as young as 6 months, and actually encourage early introduction because of the Omega-3's not present in other early foods. Due to all this new information I thought it would be a good first meat for her.

I chose canned salmon and it was very easy to prepare. Since I don't eat fish, cooking it correctly seemed intimidating to me.

With the canned, all I did was add some water and puree it in the food processor.

First bite


It's good!

She enjoyed it so much, she decided she needed to work on her self feeding, which became very messy.

When she was done, we headed straight up to the bath. I took her onesie off and discovered a red rash on her tummy, side and some sploches on her back.

I thought it might be the fish, but wasn't positive that the rash wasn't there before she ate -- after all we had been outside in the grass and on the back deck earlier, so anything could have irritated her skin.

The rash was gone completely by morning, so we tried the salmon again for dinner. Sure enough, 5 to 10 minutes after eating, her legs were covered in red dots.

I don't know much about allergies (though I'm going to read up now!) but I hope this is not a long-term thing -- hopefully, her digestive system just needs a little longer to tackle fish and in a few months she'll be able to enjoy it sans rash.

Asante Sana Squash Banana Wewe Nugu Mimi Apana

Ok it's really just spaghetti squash, but quoting Rafiki from the Lion King sounded more fun.

Nora seemed to enjoy spaghetti squash, but while easy, it did take a long time to make since it has to cook for an hour. It was my first time trying it too, and though I didn't hate it, for the cost ($2.33/lb!) it wasn't amazing and I don't think this will become a regular staple on the dinner menu.

But in case any loyal readers are dying to make this for their little one, here's our recipe.

Spaghetti Squash

Preheat oven to 400. Cut squash in half lengthwise and place seed-side down in a glass baking dish in about 1/4 inch of water. Bake 1 hour.

Let squash cool 10 to 15 minutes, then scoop and discard seeds. Scoop the remaining fleshy part of the squash out with a spoon. Depending on baby's age, you can chop into small bite sized pieces or puree.

If you reserve some for the adults to enjoy, add a couple tablespoons of butter and salt to taste. Since it doesn't have a lot of flavor, its a good "hidden veggie". Add it to soup or a casserole for additional fiber and calcium.

Sunday, May 10

Happy Mama's Day To Me

And all the other moms reading today.

We're not doing anything super special since it's just the bear and I, but I did pamper myself by taking a long hot shower and painting my toe nails! No pics of me today because I've committed to not getting dressed all day long.

After my shower, Nora and I played for a while, and apparently I wore here out. Here is how she looks at this very moment:

I got to have my present early since Charlie wasn't a very good present hider...he stuck it right next to Nora's food, so when I went to feed her last night I found it. It was delicious though -- we split a piece last night and I've already had one this morning!

Aside from it being my first Mother's Day with a human baby (as opposed to furbabies), this holiday holds another special significance for Charlie and I. It was on Mother's Day weekend 2004 that we started dating, making today 5 years for us! So to the mamas and to us, here is a much deserved toast!

Saturday, May 9

We Interrupt This Regularly Scheduled Program

To bring you a very important breaking news update. I have been following Metropolitan Mama for a couple months now. She blogs about her beautiful girls, tough parenting choices, and the simple pleasures in life. She's funny, she's well spoken, she comments on my blog (hint hint all you silent lurkers!), and she has amazing giveaways! Well this time she's outdone herself - she is giving away a new laptop for Mother's Day and giving each reader up to 8, yes 8, chances to win. You have until May 22 to win!

Tuesday, May 5

I Must Be Getting Old

A few weeks ago someone asked me how old I was and I actually had to calculate...I know I'm not still 21, but did I turn 23 already? Let's see, I was born in 86 so...were the thoughts that ran through my head as I had a flashback of teasing my mom over asking me her age once.

Not only that, but my baby sister just had her senior prom and is graduating from high school in a few weeks. Nora and I went to her 16th dance recital last weekend! Man, she's old too...

Here are the photo highlights.

Nora keeping score at Keith's softball tournament

Watching Mitch and T get ready to leave for prom

Mimi made T's dress!

Visiting with great-great grandma Cupp

All in all it was a good (busy as usual) trip to the QC. We fit (almost) everyone in for at least a quick visit, but by the end of the trip I was exhausted, Nora was ready to be home, and it ended up being a very long car ride back to Des Moines. I'm thining maybe we should invest in part ownership of a jet to shoot us back and fourth -- hey, then Daddy could even accompany us every now and then!

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Friday, May 1

Tofu, anyone?

I've read lots of great things about introducing tofu as an early food to babies because it's an excellent source of iron, protein, and calcium, so I thought we'd give it a go even though I've never even had it myself. I'd never had an avocado before either, so I guess babies introduce all kinds of firsts, eh?

There are 3 kinds of tofu, but not having known this before I went to the store I went with "soft" because it seemed logical that Nora would need soft tofu. It was definitely soft, mushier than a banana even, but made a good finger food for her. I just cut it into small chunks and put a few on her tray at a time. She really seemed to enjoy it.

Check out this website for some really great tips on buying, storing, and serving tofu. I think I'm going to have to try a few of the "for adults and babies alike" because tofu doesn't come in small packages and I have no idea what to do with it all. I may try pureeing some with squash (our next food!) or fruit and freezing it for later. Tomorrow will be her first day with finger food at daycare...better pack some extra clothes!

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