A few weeks ago someone asked me how old I was and I actually had to calculate...I know I'm not still 21, but did I turn 23 already? Let's see, I was born in 86 so...were the thoughts that ran through my head as I had a flashback of teasing my mom over asking me her age once.
Not only that, but my baby sister just had her senior prom and is graduating from high school in a few weeks. Nora and I went to her 16th dance recital last weekend! Man, she's old too...
Here are the photo highlights.
Nora keeping score at Keith's softball tournament
Watching Mitch and T get ready to leave for prom
Mimi made T's dress!
Visiting with great-great grandma Cupp
All in all it was a good (busy as usual) trip to the QC. We fit (almost) everyone in for at least a quick visit, but by the end of the trip I was exhausted, Nora was ready to be home, and it ended up being a very long car ride back to Des Moines. I'm thining maybe we should invest in part ownership of a jet to shoot us back and fourth -- hey, then Daddy could even accompany us every now and then!
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We'll go in on that jet with you.