Sunday, May 10

Happy Mama's Day To Me

And all the other moms reading today.

We're not doing anything super special since it's just the bear and I, but I did pamper myself by taking a long hot shower and painting my toe nails! No pics of me today because I've committed to not getting dressed all day long.

After my shower, Nora and I played for a while, and apparently I wore here out. Here is how she looks at this very moment:

I got to have my present early since Charlie wasn't a very good present hider...he stuck it right next to Nora's food, so when I went to feed her last night I found it. It was delicious though -- we split a piece last night and I've already had one this morning!

Aside from it being my first Mother's Day with a human baby (as opposed to furbabies), this holiday holds another special significance for Charlie and I. It was on Mother's Day weekend 2004 that we started dating, making today 5 years for us! So to the mamas and to us, here is a much deserved toast!

1 comment:

  1. So is that ice cream cake or what? It looks super yummy.

    And I love how you stayed in your PJs all day. I definitely have been known to do that at least a few times a week. :)

    Happy Mother's Day!
