It's Nora's first Valentine's Day! She got a card with a dollar bill from Mimi and Pepaw to put in her piggy bank.
Yesterday when I picked her up from day care, she had made a valentine for Daddy and I with her hand prints on it! Our first keepsake made by bear.
We are in the QC visiting family. We left Daddy at home, but got to celebrate the holiday on Thursday. Charlie cooked a delicious lemon chicken with penne dish, followed by strawberrys in chocolate fondue - YUM! He got me a teardrop-shaped pure sapphire necklace and matching earrings. So beautiful!
Nora was hoping to meet her cousin Milo for the first time this weekend, but he isn't feeling well ::sad face:: Hope you feel better soon Milo, and we look forward to seeing you this summer!
Well we got lots of family to visit - hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!
Happy Valentines Day! I have a gift for the bear, but haven't gotten it mailed yet. -Bad Nana. Big Hugs to Nora and her Mommy and Daddy.