Today has been a crazy and sleepy day in our household. We took Nora to her 4 month well baby visit this morning. Since we are on an alternate vaccination schedule, had the second dose of DTaP, Polio, and rotavirus.
She such a touch girl...make one angry scream at the nurses, then she was over it. She is having her fair share of napping today though.
Nora weighed 13lbs 1oz and she was 24 inches long. She stayed in the 25th percentile for height, but jumped from the 5th percentile to the 20th for weight! What an oinker - it was a 3 pound gain in a month! She stayed in the 10th percentile for head circumference.
To make the day more eventful, we went straight from the pediatrician's office to my oral surgeon so I could finally have my wisdom teeth pulled. Gotta love dental insurance!
Mimi came up to take care of both her girls for the weekend. Hopefully we are all feeling better soon.
Have a good weekend everyone!
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