Every day before we take Nora to day care, we fill out an information sheet that tells what time she woke up and who to contact for the day. At the end of the day we pick up the sheet and her teachers have filled it out with when her diaper was changed, each time she ate and how much, and what times she napped. But my favorite part of this sheet is a little box down at the bottom that says "Today I..." where they sometimes fill in information what she did that day.
Since I really enjoy reading these, I've decided I'm going to start adding them to the blog, and hopefully, when Nora gets to look back at her blog she'll appreciate them too. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I do.
I haven't saved them up to this point, but here are the ones from the past week:
Jan. 29
Today I...had a good day. I layed on a boppy pillow next to my friend Isabel, and we played with the hanging toys on the baby gym. We also had tummy time together.
Jan. 30
Today I...had a fun day playing with soft animals and dolls, and I loved being cuddled.
Feb. 4
Today I...had a fun day. I had my foot painted purple and my hand inked red for our "flower garden." I also played with baby dolls with my friend Isabel.
They do this at Maddox's daycare too and it is one of my favorite parts of picking him up (besides seeing his smile of course). It's hard not seeing them all day and amazing how a simple sentence or list of things can help you picture their day!