Thursday, September 9

The End

It has finally happened. It's been about a month since N last nursed, and at last she has stopped asking for it. We shared 23 (mostly) beautiful months, but admittedly I'm not really sad to move on.

It was a physical and emotional journey, and in the end, I'm so glad it happened and lasted as long as it did but I was definitely ready to be done. I can't really put into words how my feelings toward breastfeeding have grown and evolved in the past two years.

I have a new found respect for women who are brave enough to fight the fight for nursing mamas. I feel a duty to acknowledge those who are giving their babes natures best, and tell them to keep it up. I don't judge those who use formula, but I certainly encourage those who don't. Some say it's a personal decision, I think it's a communities responsibility to make sure new mamas aren't throwing in the towel for the wrong reasons. Education, public acceptance and support systems are seriously lacking, and it's really a shame. I can only hope that other mothers are able to find what they need to press on -- it will be worth it!


  1. Awesome job for keeping it up that long! I 100% agree with you that there needs to be better support of breastfeeding.

  2. way to go, mama! so proud of you. although i know it comes with its challenges, i'm looking forward to nursing finn til 2!
